10 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

When it comes to a heart-healthy, blood pressure friendly diet there’s a lot of “no.” No red meat, no salt, no sweets—It’s enough to send your stress levels through the roof (which is also bad for your blood pressure).

The bad news is there’s no single secret of how to lower blood pressure to a healthy level, which according to the American Heart Association is less than 120/80 mm Hg.  The good news is that the dietary path to a healthier heart has a whole lot of “yes.”

2018 in Review

As another year comes to a close, we thought it’d be nice to take a look back at where we’d been.  It felt busy at the time, but just these highlights drive home why it felt like time was flying!

We’d also like to take this time to wish happy holidays to all of our fantastic customers and partners, not to mention our dedicated team that makes all these realities come to life.

Read on to see some of 2018’s highlights.

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

We all know there’s no place like home for the holidays.  But for the holidays, nothing beats making sure you and your family stay happy and healthy throughout the season.  That’s the stuff holiday dreams are made of, especially with all the “over the river and through woods” and shopping malls and office parties and school functions and…, well you get the picture.

Managing Your Blood Pressure While Traveling

Travel is many things—a break, an opportunity, and, occasionally, a whole lot of stress. And when you’re trying to manage your high blood pressure on the go, it only adds to the stress. No matter your destination, or if you’re hitting the road for work or leisure, you can’t leave your heart health at home.

Summer Temps & Heart Health: Keeping You Cool as August Heats Up!

Tipping into the “dog days of summer” for much of the country means temps are getting hotter – which can be uncomfortable for everyone. But for people concerned about their heart health, hot, humid days can actually be dangerous.

Using Yoga to Lower Blood Pressure

Summer is over, back to school chaos is in full swing and the holiday season is looming not so far in the future.  So with all this extra stress, giving yoga some extra thought couldn’t come at a better time!

Yoga, for those unfamiliar with the Namaste movement, is a practice of physical and mental activities including breathing techniques, physical poses, and meditation.

Strong Mind, Strong Body: The Connection Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Blood Pressure

The quest for long-term health and well-being have often focused on the heart and the mind, but not necessarily together. But research now suggests that treating both at once might be worthwhile: when it comes to blood pressure, it turns out that lower is better for the brain as well as the heart.

Special Healthcare Provider Report Ensuring Home Blood Pressure Monitors are Accurate for In-home Patient Use, Part II: Patient Education

With the recent changes to the definition of what constitutes high blood pressure from the American Heart Association (AHA), almost half of all U.S. adults are now considered hypertensive.

Special Healthcare Provider Report Ensuring Home Blood Pressure Monitors are Accurate for In-home Patient Use, Part I: Clinical Validation

Accuracy in blood pressure monitors for mass market consumption has never been more critical, due to the following factors, which have resulted in something of a perfect storm in the healthcare field

Salt and its impact on blood pressure – and what to do about it.

An ironman athlete I work with was recently (repeatedly) taking his blood pressure at a trade show – with incredibly high results. So high, in fact, that one of our colleagues suggested we drive him to the local ER.